The Four-Thirds System for Digital SLRs explained with John Knaur of Olympus – Photokina 2006

With the introduction of the Olympus E-1 DSLR system, Olympus sought to bring unity and sophistication to the myriad approaches to lens and sensor design in the industry, and in doing so helped to found the Four Thirds specification and consortium. In this interview with John Knaur of Olympus, we discuss the current state of the Four Thirds system, the differences between CMOS and CCD technology, their TIPA Award Winning Olympus E-330 DSLR, and the status of new products from Olympus. If you have ever wondered about the different approaches taken by digital camera and lens manufacturers, then listen to this interview! Recorded at the Photokina Conference in Köln, Germany, in October 2006 by Harris Fogel. Posted 11/26/2006 (12:51)

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Photographs by Harris Fogel ©2006