Author David Saffir Explains “Mastering Digital Color” – PhotoPlus Expo, New York 2007

Photographer David Saffir is well known to printing aficionados as one of the HP printing masters. I sat down with David to discuss his new book “Mastering Digital Color: A Photographer's and Artist's Guide to Controlling Color (Digital Process and Print)” which was recently published by Thomson. David discusses his epiphany of shooting with a Hasselblad digital back, and how working with that level of data changed his photography, and we discuss color spaces, approaches to printing, and more! If you have been grappling with creating prints that don’t match what you are creating on your display, then listen to this interview! Recorded at the PhotoPlus Expo Conference, in New York, in October 2007 by Harris Fogel. Posted 7/03/2008 (18.48)

Photographs by Harris Fogel ©2008

For more information on David visit: &