Macfixit, Troubleshooting Solutions for the Macintosh, started out as a site by noted author Ted Landau, and has evolved into one of the most important sites for Mac news, and especially for troubleshooting, or more importantly, preventing trouble with your Mac!
The original Mac news and information site since 1994. Macintouch started out first as a column in our much loved and missed Macweek magazine, and since then is one the first sites that Mac professionals check first thing every morning!
The University of the Arts
For over 125 years The University of the Arts has been one of America's premier art schools. One of the most unique academic institutions in the world, it combines visual & performing arts, as well as Mutlimedia, Communications, Writing for Film and Television, to create a wondeful place to study art in all it's forms!
In the past, if you wanted to update you softfware, and check for the latest version, you had but one choice, visit every manufacturer, and try to locate your software, and then download the latest version, update, or patch. Versiontracker to the rescue! Not only do most major vendors post their current software with Versiontracker, but it's also free to search for your software. Even better is Versiontracker Pro, an inexpensive service that installs a small application on your system, which monitors and keeps track of the software on your system, and alerts you whenever a new version is available! How cool is that!
Society for Photographic Education
SPE is the largest organization of Photo Educators in the country, and they hold one Annual Conference each spring in a different city, and then there are local regional chapters which host a conference once a year in the fall. They have a very active student membership, and offer scholarships and opportunities to students. The main site is: and our local region (Mid-Atlantic) is:
A.D. Coleman
A.D. Coleman’s Photography Criticism Cyber Archive – Coleman is a photography critic and writer, often considered the dean of photography critics, has a site that is part of the BYO Cafe, a site dedicated to cultural issues. Coleman was the original photography critic for the New York Times, and as such brings the long view to the medium. Check it out! &
The Photo Review
The Photo Review is journal of photography and events in the photographic community. Serious literary commentary, complimented but current news and events. Celebrating its 25th Anniversary is is a wonderful review of current trends in photography.
Pedro Meyer’s wonderful site features bi-lingual content (English and Spanish), a gallery of contemporary work, reviews, and much, much more. One of the best sites on photography on the web. Spanish and English.
A Philadelphia based nonprofit organization, shows an extensive online collection of work by local, national, and international artists to the public, while serving as a comprehensive hub for visual arts information and resources. InLiquid also nurtures our creative community through a continuing series of non-virtual art exhibitions and events.
Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc.
Founded by Henry Wilhelm, the Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc. conducts research on the stability and preservation of traditional and digital color photographs and motion pictures. The company publishes brand name-specific permanence data for desktop and large-format inkjet printers and other digital printing devices.
Ilford Photo
A resource for Ilford digital paper.
Ilford Photo – Harman Technology Group
The resource for all Ilford B&W paper, film, and chemistry.
Freestyle Sales
Freestyle's site is designed to sell products, but has a great database of almost every film/developer/time combination imaginable. Worth the price of admission for that alone. And they have a wonderful education area as well.
National Association of Photoshop Professionals
The National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) is a trade association and resource for Adobe® Photoshop® education, training, and news. It is led by Photoshop experts, authors, consultants, trainers, and educators whose focus is to ensure that NAPP members stay on the cutting edge of Adobe Photoshop techniques. Check it out! is a good online source of information and products. Nate Sherman, formerly of the UArts Equipment Room says that “their massive development chart has served me very well through the many labs and schools I have worked with and for, as well as other nerdy scientific stuff.”