Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography – PhotoPlus Expo New York 2006

One of the pioneers of digital photography, Stephen Johnson’s high-resolution digital photographs of the National Parks helped to rewrite our understanding of the parks themselves, and of the potential of digital photography to revolutionize our understanding of the world around us. In this interview with Stephen Johnson, we discuss his career as a photographer, educator, and his newest book, titled aptly enough, Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography, published by O’Reilly Media. His new book isn't a typical digital photography book, as it's not a how to book, not a monograph, but really a treatise on the state of digital photography from someone who has been there through it's entire journey. If you are interested in digital photography, then this interview is for you! Recorded at the PhotoPlus Expo Conference in New York City, in November 2006 by Harris Fogel. Posted 11/26/2006 (14:46)

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Photographs by Harris Fogel ©2006