Now that laptops have smooth cases, boasting the cleanest uncluttered lines this side of a stealth bomber, it’s also getting tougher to actually carry them without fear of dropping them as they slide out of your grip. Over the years there have been everything from stick on non-skid strips for your laptop to handles. Last year we reviewed a handle for the MacBook Pro and PowerBook G4, so when we received the Fins-Up “Fin” we were intrigued.
A simple idea done right, the Fin looks like a shark’s fin, made of aluminum, with non-skip material on the bottom. It mounts to the bottom of your MacBook, MacBook Pro, or PowerBook G4, and serves as a handle to carry the laptop with, and when on a desk elevates the unit and lets air circulate under it. It was actually designed as a response to the frustrations of working with other handles, so this design has no moving parts, nothing to loosen. Reasonably priced, it’s a great addition to your Apple laptop. Made of solid aluminum, it’s virtually indestructible with nothing to break, and it provides just the right amount of tilt to the keyboard. Surf’s up? How about Fins-Up!
Harris Fogel, Posted 12/30/2007
For more information on the Fin: