Few mediums exist as well on the printed page as does photography. The love affair between photographers and books has existed since Fox Talbot’s “The Pencil of Nature” and yet for most of that history, only a select few could hope to see their work in book form. The expense, complexity, and technical requirements necessary to reproduce photographic work, were the limiting factors. However all that changed with the advent of Direct To Plate (DTP) printing technology, which allows for one-off books with high quality and low cost. Many photographers are taking advantage of this and a new industry and creative outlet has been born. In this interview with Robin Goldberg of Blurb, we learn how Blurb came to be a favorite choice of photographers printing books of their work. Recorded at the PhotoPlus Expo Conference, in New York, in October 2007 by Harris Fogel. Posted 7/04/2008 (7.47)
Photographs by Harris Fogel ©2008
For more information on Blurb visit: www.blurb.com