The Library of Congress & A.S.M.P. Want You to Engage in Digital Best Practices – Washington D.C. 2010

Every day millions of digital photographs, recordings, and files are created but few of the creators know the best way to save and archive those files. What is the best workflow for a photographer to use? How best to preserve your irreplaceable images? To answer these questions and more A.S.M.P. teamed up with the Library of Congress and assembled a team of experts and set out to create a website that would serve as a resource. In this interview with project directors Richard Anderson, Peter Krogh, and Eugene Mopsik, Executive Director of ASMP, we learn how the dpBestflow project came into being. Richard Anderson is the co-author of the digital photography best practices and workflow handbook, and Peter Krogh is the author of The DAM Book. Recorded at the launch of the dpBestflow project at the U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington D.C. in November 2009 by Harris Fogel. (11:49)

Harris Fogel, Posted 10/24/10 

For more information on DpBestflow visit:

For more information on the Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook visit:

For more information on the The Dam Book visit: