My wife, Nancy Burlan, editor and reporter for Mac Edition Radio, asked me: “should we attend the Capital Audiofest this year.?” That was back in July 2022. It seemed like a good question, after all, I was forever late meeting my tough-as-nails editor Frank Doris’ excruciatingly unreasonable deadlines. I mean, what writer can live with “Harris, please send the files before the next Ice Age begins” kind of pressure?
We had such a lovely time at last year’s CAF, that we decided, yes. The previous event was really well-run, with a positive feel and crowds of people just thrilled to be there. This year the show, which took place in November 2022 at the Twinbrook Hilton in Rockville, Maryland, was more crowded, with more rooms, and an even more positive vibe.
Part One of a three part article.
Harris Fogel & Nancy Burlan, originally published in Copper Magazine 180, Posted 1/15/2023
All Photographs © Copyright Harris Fogel 2022
Photo: Audiophile land is awash in gorgeously-designed and executed products. This BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) VK-80i integrated amplifier which powered Andrew Jones’ new MoFi Electronics SourcePoint 10 loudspeakers was one such example. There’s a special place in Shangri-La for lovely glowing 6C33C-B triode and 6SN7 tubes.