News and ReviewsMac Edition Radio produces reviews and news stories about the latest technologies, digital imaging, music, & photography.
Accurate White Balance is Only a Click Away with the Color Balance Lens or ExpoDisc

Achieving an accurate white balance has been the bane of photographers working in color since the invention of color photography. Fast-forward to the digital age, and white balance is simply a click away, or at least so most people think. Set your camera to automatic white balance and usually the results are reasonably good. So, what do you do if you want really accurate color balance? The key is the use of a calibrated target such as the ExpoDisc or CBL's Color Balance Lens so you can accurately and quickly set a custom white balance.

Harris Fogel, Posted 2/16/2008

FileMaker Pro 9 and an Open-Source Freeware Solution Make a Perfect Match for a Professional Writer!

Internationally published author and self-proclaimed "geezer geek" A. D. Coleman used FileMaker Pro 9 and "lateral thinking" to evolve IP-Proposal Tracker, a Filemaker Pro 9 solution that enables him to track his submissions of manuscripts, other items of intellectual property that he seeks to publish, plus proposals for grants and various forms of support.

By A.D. Coleman, Posted 2/4/08

Review - Madden NFL 08 for Mac from EA Games Goes Long for Football Fun

Madden NFL 08 is the latest in a long series of football sim games, and it is one of the most fun to play. Madden is one of the few games that publisher EA Games has released for the Mac, along with other titles such as Need For Speed: Carbon and Battlefield 2142. Madden is one of the better games they have released, in my opinion, and the 08 version gives you all the excitement and fun as the previous Madden football games.

Thomas Fogel, Posted 1/15/08

Review - Aspyr's Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - for the Mac

This crowd is getting anxious, I realize. Oh, why didn't we just buy a drum machine? At least a drum machine might show up to gigs on time. Luckily, I don't have to wait much longer since, in a rather Who-esque fashion, we pluck out an audience member who claims to be a decent drummer. (Drummers!) So with our percussionist finally in place, I start the opening chords to Foghat's Slow Ride and my band kicks in, too. I'm not really at a gig, just playing Aspyr Media's new title, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, for the Mac.

Thomas Fogel, Posted 1/5/2008

Oppo DV-980H - 1080p Up-Converting Universal DVD Player Delivers Great Sound at a Budget Price!

Audiophiles are a tough bunch to please. If you've ever walked into the showroom of a high-end audio store, you would be hard pressed to find systems priced less than ten grand at the low-end. Naturally, the secret desire of most audiophiles is that bargain system that sounds as good as the outrageously priced one. While it's a bit of an impossible dream, when an affordable product emerges that deserves serious consideration, an underground whispering campaign begins. Check out the Oppo DV-980H, an affordable Universal DVD player that can play normal DVDs and CDs, but also SACD and DVD-A formats in addition to a slew of others.

Harris Fogel, Posted 1/1/2008

Giggles Computer Funtime for Baby Brings Cyber Happiness to Young Learners

Bringing home baby's first computer game will make parents happy, too! Giggles Computer Funtime for Baby interactive programs from Leveractive are well designed for the little curious ones who want to understand the world around them. Giggles are full of a variety of learning tools to interact with the computer, combined in a layered format that keeps young children entertained for hours, which makes parents giggle with delight watching their progeny explore the digital playground.

Nancy Burlan, with contributions by Avril Losacco & Evin Milite, Posted 12/20/2007

Fins-Up Puts a Fin on Your Apple Laptop

Now that laptops have smooth cases, boasting the cleanest uncluttered lines this side of a stealth bomber, it's also getting tougher to actually carry them without fear of dropping them as they slide out of your grip. Last year we reviewed a handle for the MacBook Pro and PowerBook G4, so when we received the Fins-Up "Fin" we were intrigued. A simple idea done right, the Fin looks like a shark's fin, made of aluminum.

Harris Fogel, Posted 12/30/2007

The General Electric G1 is a Stylish New Entry Into the Digital Camera Market

At Mac Edition Radio, we often work with cutting-edge digital imaging technology and professional-level equipment. But with General Electric's recent entry (our interview on this is here) into the consumer photography space, we wondered how a digital novice would find working with one of GE’s newest releases, the G1 branded as a GE product and marketed by General Imaging. So, we sent the camera off to Europe twice with product tester and world traveler Regina Barthmaier, who loves photography but hadn't yet ventured far into the digital realm. Regina used the camera for two trips to Europe, including Italy, Paris, and Amsterdam, and in total took more then 700 photos. As Regina puts it, "As luck would have it, right before I was scheduled to leave for Fabriano, Italy, Harris Fogel asked if I would be willing to test out a brand new digital camera from GE, the G1. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity."

Regina Barthmaier, Posted 12/20/2007

Matrox’s DualHead2Go Extends Your Desktop Display Options for your Mac

If you've ever needed an extra display or monitor, but had a computer like Apple's Mac Mini with only a single video-out, the Matrox DualHead2Go is the solution, and provides the ability to have multiple monitors, an extended desktop, or mirrored video.

Harris Fogel, Posted 12/20/2007

Boynq Studio’s Stylish New iCube II Audio System

One of the most stylish entries into the iPod sphere comes from Boynq Studio. The iCube II is a small cube, available in black or pink. It's got some great curves, nice attention to detail, and surprisingly good sound.

Harris Fogel, Posted 12/20/2007
